Sunday 24th February Tony Whyler
Services available to watch from the followng day 22.10.23 Develop Discipline 8.10.2023Trust God Money
1.10.23 Harvest Thanksgiving Service
24.9.2023 Proverbs 'Do Good'
17.9.2023 Proverbs 'The Tongue'
13.8.2023 When the wine runs out.
6.8.2023 Loneliness and the Single Person
23.7.2023 Singleness
16.7.2023 Marriage An Exclusive Relationship
9.7.2023 Marriage Different and Equal
25.6.2023 Fruit of the Spirit 'Self Control'
18.6.2023 Fruit of the Spirit 'Meekness'
4.6.2023 The fruit of the Spirit 'Faithfulness'
21.5.2023 Mark Berwick 'Good News For Everyone'
7.5.2023 The fruit of the Spirit 'Kindness'
19.3.2023 'The Fruit of the Spirit' : Peace
12.03 .2023 The Fruit of the Spirit; Joy
5.3.2023 'The fruit of the Spirit': Love
19.2.2023'Ready and waiting'
12.2.2023 'Jesus is coming back to us'
5.2.2023 5.2.2023 'Love at work'
'29.1 2023 Stand firm in the Lord
:15.1 2023. The Only True Star
8.1.2023 Star of Bethelem (2)
27.11.2022 'Stand Firm in the Lord'
4.12.2022 'Prophecies, God's Plan'
20.1.2022 'The Word at Work'
13.11. 2022 'Remembrance Sunday'
6.11.2022 Mission Aviation Fellowship
16.10.2022 'Totally Transformed'
9.1o.2022 'Faith Hope and Love'
25.9.2022 'Not to be served but to serve'
18. 9.2022 'The finger of God'
11.9.2022 'A new commandment I give unto you'
21.8.2022 Service with Mary and Martin Barber
14.8.2022 'Gathered to His people'
7.8. 2022 'Who is this Jesus?'
Sunday 17th July G enesis 23
26.6.2022 'The Everlasting God'
19.6.2022 'Faith in God's Promise and Provision'
12.6.2022 175th Church Anniversary
8.5.2022 'The Implications of the Resurrection'
20.3.2022 'Abraham the trouble maker'
13.3.2022 'Judgement and Mercy
6.3 2022 'Bold Praying'
27..2.2022 'The Lord apears to Abraham'
13.2.2022 'Marked for Life' Genesis 17
6.2.2022 ' Shortcuts cast long shadows'
30.1.2022 'Melchi-who?' Genesis 14:13-24
23.1.2022 'Caleb God uses Older People'
16.1.2021 'Decisions, decisions'
9.1.2022 'Abraham a Life of Faith'
2.1.2022 'Fight the good fight '
25.12.2021 Christmas Family Service
19.12.2021 'Unwrapping God's Christmas Present'
12.12 2021 God with us Part 3.'The Holy Spirit, His Peron and Work'
5.12.2021 'God with us' Part 2 :'Two portraits of the Holy Spirit at work'
28.11.2021 'God with us' Part 1: 'Comforter and Counsellor'
21.11.2021 'The Penitent Thief'
31.10.2021 'Jesus and our Unity in Him'.
24.10.2021 'The Bible is vital.'
12.9.2021'The call to total surrender'
5.9.2021 'The Second Coming of Christ' Part 4
29 .8.2021 'Spiritual Blessings'
15.8.2021 'The Second Coming of Christ' Part 3
8.8 2021'The second coming of Christ' Part 2
1.8.2021'The Second Coming of Christ'' Part 1
17.7.21 'The Power of the Bible' Part 1
11.7.21 'Rock or Block ?' Rev. Roy Connor
4.7.21 'A Problem with Access' Keith Varney MAF
27.6.21 'Jesus Welcomes Sinners' Part 2
20.6.2021 'Jesus Welcomes Sinners' Part 1
13.6.2021 The Ascension of Christ' Rev David Tucker
13.6.2021 The Ascension of Christ'
6.6.2021 'Who is the Holy Spirit ' Part 2
30.5.2021 'The Battle for Your Soul
23 5.2021 'Who is the Holy Spirit' Part 1
16.5.2021 'Seeing and Understanding' Part 2
9.5.2021 Seeing and Understanding
2.5.2021 'The Rock-Maker' Part 2
25 4 21 The Rock-Maker' Part 1
11.4.21 Daniel. A man who would not compromise.
4.4.21 Blessed are those who have not seen me, yet have believed
28.3.21 The inspiration of the Bible' Part 2
21.3,21 'The Inspiration of the Bible ' Part 1
14.3.21; 'A Mother's Ambition'
Week Commencing February 14th 2021
Week Commencing February 14th 2021
14.2.2021 "A voice of one calling in the desert"
31.01.2021 'Jesus encounter with the devil. Part 1'
24-01-2021 'Simeon. The end of all my searching.'
17-01-2021 The Accuracy of the Bible Part 2
10-01-2021 The Accuracy of the Bible Part 1
Stephen and Wenceslas “Men who gave of themselves” Part 2
27-12-2020 Stephen and Wenceslas. Men who gave of themselves Part 1
25-12-2020 Christmas Day 'The Holly And The Ivy'
20-12-2020 'The Joys of Christmas' Matthew 1:18-24
06-12-2020 “The Wake Up Call” John 14:1-3, Acts 1:10-11, Revelation 1:1-3
08-11-2020 Remembrance Sunday and 'The Parable of the Sower' Part 2. Reading Luke 8:4-15.
01-11-2020 'The Parable of the Sower' Part 1. Reading Luke 8:4-15.
25-10-2020 'Social Contagion' Reading. Isaiah 44:13-20.
18-10-2020 'Doubting Thomas' reading John 20: 24-31.
11-10-2020 'When Trials Come. Part 2. Wealth.' James 1:1-12.