Devotional Materials. Week Commencing Sunday 16th October 2022
Call to worship
“Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.” 1 Peter 1:8
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” Acts 1:8
Last week we saw how the believers in Thessalonica had been totally transformed. They were without apostolic support, but they belonged to God. They were now showing the fruit of faith, love and hope, evident in their actions.
A fundamental change had taken place, they had received the Gospel. They had put their faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit had come to live within them and their lives were now being refashioned according to His will, and by His power.
The Lord continues to transform lives through the Gospel today. Let’s give him the praise and glory for what he brings about.
Opening Hymn
“To God be the glory” MP 708 (Piano)
Fanny J Crosby
Opening Prayer
Heavenly Father, we come before You with thanksgiving and praise, for all your mercy and grace:
For the beauty of the world around us. For our parents and our families. For work and play, for food and clothes. For the joy of friends, and for the happiness we share. But most of all we thank, praise and give you all the glory for giving us your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. For His wonderful birth, for the example of His life, and supremely for His death on the cross which means we can come to You now and call You our Father.
Thank you then for the Lord Jesus’ atoning sacrifice for our sakes, for raising Him from the dead to be our living Lord, and for the gift of the Holy Spirit who strengthens us in Your service.
Holy Spirit please lead us this morning, without your help we cannot worship, we cannot understand eternal truth, we cannot live the life into which we have been called. We open our hearts now to receive your peace and power. In the name of Jesus we ask it. Amen
Listen to a song that speaks of the reality of Christian conversion/transformation:
“Your love broke through” Keith Green (Congregation listen to song)
Like a foolish dreamer, trying to build a highway to the sky
All my hopes would come tumbling down, and I never knew just why
Until today, when you pulled away the clouds that hung like curtains on my eyes
Well I've been blind all these wasted years and I thought I was so wise
But then you took me by surprise
Like waking up from the longest dream, how real it seemed
Until your love broke through
I've been lost in a fantasy that blinded me
Until your love broke through
All my life I've been searching for that crazy missing part
And with one touch, you just rolled away the stone that held my heart
And now I see that the answer was as easy, as just asking you in
And I am so sure I could never doubt your gentle touch again
It's like the power of the wind
(From the album ‘The Ministry Years 1977-1979’).
“Light of the world” MP 1086 (Guitar)
Tim Hughes
Father we love you. We honour you. Jesus. We worship you. We exalt your name above all names. Father thank you for making each one of us one of your dearly loved children.
Jesus be the Lord of our life today in new ways, reveal the fullness of your majesty at the Father’s right hand. Honour and glorify yourself by living in, and through each one of us, change us any way you want.
Wash clean of every sin. Fill us with the power of your Spirit. Keep us from evil that we would not cause pain to others.
Give us the courage to be humble. The humility to be courageous, continue to teach us how to love and forgive unconditionally. Fill us with your wisdom. Help us to live according to your knowledge and understanding.
Give us an insatiable thirst, an uncontrollable hunger for You and your Word. That each one of us would be walking, breathing instruments of your love and grace, mercy and truth, justice and righteousness.
And that one day we might be the answer to your prayer that we could walk together and show others how to walk together as one, and the world would believe that the Father sent You.
And as we live our daily lines, that we might be the answer to someone else’s prayer. That we might be the messenger You sent to answer the prayer that would bring them closer to You.
Thank you for hearing every prayer. Always listening, always giving grace. We love you. We honour you. We worship you. We adore you. And we ask these things in the name of Jesus. Amen. (Based on a prayer by Ford Taylor).
Lord, we pray for those who are hurting. We pray particularly for Betty, Margaret and Val.
Lord we pray for those who are fearful.
Lord we pray for those who are grieving. We pray for our sister Polly in this respect. We thank you that you have brought Ron from death to life, that in your mercy you have given him, and all who have put their faith in You for salvation, ‘new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.’ We pray too for Karen, Tim, Ben and Andy that You would draw them to yourself.
Loving God, so close to our brothers and sisters, may they find you in their pain, within their fear, and sharing their sadness; and finding you, may they find healing for their hurt, love for their fear, and peace for their distress. Amen
Reading. 1 Thessalonians 1:4-10. Tony Whyler
For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake. You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere. Therefore we do not need to say anything about it, for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us. They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.
Verse 8 of our passage states ‘the Lord’s message rang out from you.’ All Christians want to proclaim what the Lord has done for them.
“Tell out my Soul” MP 631 (Piano)
Timothy Dudley- Smith (from Luke 1)
Sermon. “Totally Transformed”
You have probably heard a preacher say “If you ever find the perfect church, please don’t join it, because if you do you will spoil it!” All local churches are made up of people saved by God’s grace. No church is perfect. But some churches are closer to the New Testament ideal than others. And certainly Paul sees the church at Thessalonica as a model for others. He frequently gives thanks for that church in the way it responded to his ministry. It was certainly a fellowship that belonged to God. Just last week we saw how the church there had no apostolic support, but God’s Spirit had come to live within them. He was cultivating faith, love and hope in their lives. These spiritual qualities were evidenced in the Thessalonians works of service and in their endurance.
Paul goes on to give thanks for God’s choice of them. Verse 4: “For we know brothers loved by God that he has chosen you…”.The doctrine of election runs through Scripture, and though we cannot fathom the mystery, it is a great comfort to know God chose us before the foundation of the world. When God’s choice is mentioned in the Bible it’s usually to reassure believers that they belong to Him. It’s wonderful when a person knows they are engraved in the palm of God’s hand and are therefore very secure in his tender mercy. And it’s no mystery about who has been chosen by God. There will be clear evidence of it in their lives:
The first thing about the Thessalonians that showed they were chosen by God is that:
They could look back to a time when they had been converted.
They had heard the gospel and received it. Paul says “We know he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction”. One lady told me how an acquaintance of hers had discovered she went to church and had said “You’re not one of those born again Christians are you?” To which she responded “Is there any other kind?” She was right. There isn’t any other kind of Christian. True Christians are converted Christians. They are “born again”. A radical change has taken place so they are not the person they used to be. Spiritual birth is so radical, it’s like they have started again as a totally new human being. The Lord Jesus himself taught: “You must be born again” He said “I tell you the truth, no-one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit” (John 3:5):
Paul had preached the Gospel to the Thessalonians. He’d used gospel words. He told them how the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead (Acts 17:3). That Christ had died for their sins. That they needed to repent and believe. And the Thessalonians hadn’t just heard what the Apostles preached. It wasn’t just words to them. These words had effected spiritual change. Spiritual birth had taken place. The message they heard- Paul says- was accompanied with deep conviction. They saw their sin and felt the guilt of their sin and realised this would lead to judgment before a Holy God. They were convicted of their need of Christ- that only He could save them.
And Paul refers to the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit had opened their minds and hearts to receive the word. The Holy Spirit gave them power to repent and believe. The Holy Spirit gave them power to overcome the sins in their lives that had previously mastered them. The Holy Spirit had been at work, giving life to their spirits. Spiritual birth had taken place in their lives. The receiving of the message for the Thessalonians had been life changing. This is what Paul appeals to. Their experience of conversion. In effect he says to them; “You know and we know that you belong to God because of the spiritual conversion that took place in your lives when you received our preaching”.
And that’s why the Word of God is preached here. Paul charged Timothy: “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season (i.e. whether it’s popular or not, whether it’s being received or not); correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction…” (2 Tim. 4:2). Careful instruction. Why must the Word be preached like this? Paul knows that true spiritual change takes place not by human ideas but by the Word of God. The same Holy Spirit who inspired the Scriptures takes His words and applies them to the hearts and minds of those who hear. As He did with those Thessalonian believers. So the preacher must preach the Word. I will have to give an account of my faithfulness in this respect to the Lord. This is what the Lord has called me here to do. Careful instruction in the Word is non- negotiable
But there is also challenge in what Paul says to the person who hears the Word. Which is a challenge to each one of us.
Jesus said “He who has ears to hear let him hear”. How you respond to the preached word is critical. Jesus explained that whenever the word is preached, the heart of the hearer is revealed. He compared the preaching of God’s word with that of a farmer sowing seed (Mark 4:1-20). Some seed fell on the path. This is like those who hear the word, but do not receive it. They do not have “ears to hear”. They have no intention of receiving it. They know better. They have their own way. Their hearts are hard. It’s amazing to think that when certain people heard Jesus himself speak -the One who speaks the words of eternal life- to them what he said was just words. To the liberal theologians today who criticise the Word of God according to a supposedly “higher criticism”, Jesus words are just words. In the same way if you hear the Word of God preached without receiving it, it will effect no change in your life. There will be no transformation. But the Thessalonians did receive it as it really is the Word of God. In so doing they were spiritually awakened. So I would urge you this morning to humbly receive the Word –even though that means the initial cost of deep conviction for sin and your need for Christ. It will lead to God’s Spirit filling you and empowering your life in a way you had not previously conceived of.
The Thessalonians were chosen by God. Paul knew it. They knew it. They knew they belonged to Him because they remembered their conversion, their spiritual transformation- so radical it was like a new birth.
Secondly, God’s church is a joyful church.
I mentioned before that when a person is converted, a deep conviction takes place. A sorrow for your own sin, especially pride, that has for so long kept you from God. It’s costly to become a Christian. It’s with this sense of initial loss that C.S. Lewis wrote “In the Trinity Term of 1929 I gave in, and admitted God was God…perhaps the most dejected convert in all England” And yet at that point he was “Surprised by Joy”. That is the title of his autobiography. All the things Lewis had tried before had the promise of joy, but did not deliver. Material blessings. Relationships. Philosophical ideas. He was locked in a pursuit of trying to find joy through these, always searching. But Lewis discovered the initial moments of joy in these things were only pointers to something outer and other. Those fading glimpses of joy were pointers to a knowledge of the Creator and Saviour himself. Once that relationship is discovered the restless pursuit for something more is gone. Contentment comes in the relationship with him and in the expectation of an ever deepening relationship that goes on into eternity. Jesus gives “living water”. He said “Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14).
The Thessalonian believers knew this joy from God- despite facing persecution. In turning from idols to serve God, these believers angered their friends and relatives. No doubt some of them lost their jobs because of their new found faith. Yet, Paul could say of the Thessalonians- verse 6- “in spite of severe suffering you welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit”. To be able to do that is clearly a work of the Holy Spirit. This joy is the overflowing of a heart that is right with God, not the bubbly happiness of a moment of passing pleasure.
It’s amazing how many references there are in the New Testament that trace this theme of praise under persecution. Paul comments here how the believers had become imitators of him and the other apostles in this respect. The Apostles frequently found themselves in difficult circumstances yet praised God. Acts 16 describes how Paul and Silas were thrown in prison in Philippi, just before arriving in Thessalonica. They had been beaten and abused, but even at midnight they were still praising God. The Thessalonians acted in the same way. They too praised God in the midst of persecution.
The sober truth is that if you are a Christian you will be persecuted: 2 Tim. 3:12 states “…everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted”. But any trial or opposition can only come to us from the outside. Inside we can have the joy of the Spirit- that quiet assurance pervading us inside. We must not allow our sufferings to make us bitter. We must not ruminate on the sins of others against us, but instead seek the Spirit’s help to enable us to forgive. We are encouraged to bring our difficulties to God. “Casting all our anxieties on to the Lord because He cares for us” We trust the Lord has permitted the trials we face and trust in the fact that he knows best. He will keep us and mature us through them. Indeed, troubles and unworthy reactions on our part often reveal to us where our true confidences have been. But when we put our faith firmly in the Lord- we lean our whole weight on to him, then we find our peace and joy in him.
Thirdly God’s church is a witnessing church.
Verse 8: “The Lord’s message range out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia- your faith in God has become know everywhere”.
These believers shared the Gospel with others, even in the face of opposition. They were “receivers” in the sense that they had received the Word of God from the Apostles and benefited by it themselves. At the same time they were “transmitters”- the Lord’s message rang out from them.
What we receive from God, we are to pass on to others, and in so doing, we are doubly blessed by God. God gives, and we give, and as we give, he gives more abundantly
The phrase here “rang out” means to “sound as a trumpet”. It’s clear the Thessalonians were making a noise about the gospel. It certainly wasn’t a private thing best kept to themselves. They were trumpeting the good news of the Gospel and the difference Christ had made to them. They were encouraging others to find the spiritual birth for themselves. Just as the Apostles had brought them the gospel, they were now giving it out to others. Wherever Paul went, the people told him about the faith and evangelistic zeal of the Thessalonian believers.
It is the responsibility and privilege of each local church to share the message of salvation with the lost world. Building bridges with non-Christians through meeting social needs is a valid way of showing Christ’s compassion, but that is not what we are talking about here. That is not evangelism. At the end of each of the four Gospels and at the beginning of the book of Acts, there are commissions for the churches to obey (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark16:15-16; Luke 24:46-49; John 20:21; Acts 1:8). These commissions are calls to spread the gospel. To see men and women won for Christ and go on in Christian discipleship.
In the New Testament churches, the entire congregation was involved in sharing the Good News. (Acts 2:44-47, 5:42). The Church at Thessalonica was known as a witnessing church. Their reputation had gone before them. Individual members were ‘gossiping the gospel’
That is surely the reputation we want for ourselves at ABC.
‘Questions’. Series of films/documentaries begins this Saturday 22/10. The first question being “Is Fame and Fortune enough?” This film looks at the actor Steve McQueen, his life and the films he starred in. But it also speaks of the untold story of his conversion to Christ towards the end of his life (Film. 12+, 1hr 19 mins). Flyers available to use as invitations.
Remember too that election and evangelism go together. The person who says, “God will save those He wants to save and he doesn’t need my help!” understands neither election nor evangelism. In the Bible, election always involves responsibility. God chose Israel and made them an elect nation so that they might witness to the Gentiles. In the same way, God has chosen the church that we might be witnesses today. The fact that we are God’s elect people does not excuse us from the task of evangelism. The same God who ordains the end- the salvation of the lost, also ordains the means to the end- the preaching and gossiping of the gospel.
God’s chosen people are a witnessing people.
Finally God’s church has solemn hope for the future.
Verses 9 and 10: The Thessalonians had “…turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead -Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath”.
A Christian view of the future was completely at odds with what the Thessalonians had been brought up with. They had a gloomy view of death- like many today, they didn’t believe anyone could rescue them from it. Previously they had no thought of the Son of God returning and ushering in a new heaven and earth. But now through the preaching of God’s revealed Word and the witness of the Spirit, their thinking had been turned on its head. They had come to realise that God is Holy and Just- so He must judge the world. They had come to see that God is love- so he sent Jesus to forgive us and rescue us from what we deserve. They had come to see that God has his purposes and he will send Jesus back to establish his control over all the world.
Not many today are brought up to think in a Christian way about the future. Some people appear to believe and live for only a material existence, they like to smuggle God in at the end of life. But their ideas about Him are false. They think that at death God, if He exists, will take us all to himself in heaven, regardless of whether we have been an active Christian or not. That when a person dies all anguish is over, even if they have not placed their faith in Christ. That there will be no last judgment, no Second Coming and certainly no hell. But each of these thoughts are utterly false. Each of them is contrary to the teaching of Jesus Christ. Yet each is widely believed. Like those pagan Thessalonians who turned to the Lord, many in pagan Britain today who turn to Him, will need to reject their previous way of thinking about future and destiny. And not a few in the churches too:
A friend of mine is an Elder at an independent evangelical church in Caterham. He was talking to a man who had become a Christian at their church. My friend asked him about his past. It worked out that this man had been attending a denominational church, but had never heard the gospel. It happened he was invited to my friend’s church and heard that he would suffer God’s righteous wrath and end up in hell if he did not accept Christ as his Saviour. This shook him to the core. So he went back and asked the minister from his previous church that if this was in the Bible why he hadn’t been warned about it. That minister didn’t know what to say. Tragically that minister had merely given in to the spirit of the Age rather than faithfully carry out his calling under God which was to proclaim God’s Word and not his own.
And these verses clearly indicate there is a link between the way we think about the future and our willingness to repent in the present. What will make a person give up their dearest idol? Whether it’s the animist held in captivity to superstition or the modern secular idolatry where people are eaten up with selfish ambition for money, sex or power. According to these verses the Thessalonians were convicted and broken of their idolatry when they discovered the true and living God and then realised that this God would come again in the person of his Son to judge all with regard to how they had lived their lives on earth.
A phrase in an early creed says “He will come again to judge the living and the dead”. That is a wonderful and yet fearsome statement. But like those Thessalonians we believers also have hope. We are confident God will bring the whole world under his control. It is not a futile slide into death and nothingness. But our destiny lies in the hands of a just and awesome God, whose wrath falls where it is due, but who through Jesus Christ will deliver us from the consequences of our own sin.
God has chosen us. But if that is true of us individually it should also be shown collectively here at ABC that…
God’s church is a converted church. Where each of us has believed the gospel and received it as God’s Word.
God’s church is a joyful church. Where we together have an increasing capacity to praise God despite our facing opposition and trials.
God’s church is a witnessing church. Where we count it a privilege and responsibility to share the gospel. Having received we will give out. We will transmit the gospel and “trumpet it” to others.
And God’s church is a hopeful church. Where we each have a solemn hope. Christ will return one day and this will usher in judgment and wrath, but crucially rescue and salvation in Him.
Like the Thessalonians we will want the fact we are God’s church to be evidenced in an increasing maturity and transformation in all these ways.
“Amazing Grace” MP 31 (Piano)
John Newton
We praise our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. We praise Him now with countless believers across the world, and we look forward to that day when we will do so in eternity and see Him face to face:
“All my Days” MP 1024 (Piano)
Stuart Townend
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore. Amen.
David Barnes 13/10/22